Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How to respond when some tells you that Noah's Ark has been found.

On day, while engaged in a discussion on Christianity with a total stranger, [ This person had approached me and wanted to testify ]  the conversation turned to "faith vs evidence".  The young man made the statement that Noah's Ark had been discovered on Mt Ararat.  My response was, and I invite you to use the following..."If a wooden structure has been found on Mt Ararat, and if it is determined that the structure is an enormous boat, in order to prove that it is in fact Noah's Ark, the structure must be proved to be 6,000 years old.  The only way to prove that the structure is 6,000 years old, is to use the 'Carbon-14 Dating Process'.  If the Carbon-14 Dating Process is used, and the structure is shown to be 6,000 years old, then the data showing that the Earth is billions of years old is reaffirmed, thereby refuting the creationist belief that the Earth is only 10,000 years old and showing that doubt is justified with all biblical stories.  Therefore no one can ever 'prove' that they found Noah's Ark."  I bid the young man 'a good day' and left him standing speechless on the sidewalk

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