Monday, December 19, 2011

A Proposed Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America Concerning Citizenship

    Any person born in the United States of America, or it's territories, shall have the citizenship status of their parents.  If the parents are of differing citizenship statuses, then the child shall have the citizenship status of the parent that is closest to being a natural born citizen.


  1. A single, one step solution to the fear of 'Anchor Baby' syndrome. I would vote yea.
    President Adams; It has a great ring to it.

  2. So by amending the Constitution you hear-by grant amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants currently in the country. Ok, how does this address the problem of people leaving their country and illegally occupying ours. I guess a follow up, is it a problem that other people come to our country illegally, or is it the process and definition of illegal immigration that are the problem?

  3. @Dezzi...The children are not granted "amnesty" they are already citizens under the law.

  4. Do the people coming into this country illegally and having children and receiving free health care because they are non documented immigrants cause me to pay more for my health care? Are our resources not finite? if someone takes from the pool is the pool not then smaller for everyone else?

    Fantastic short presentation on why immigration will never solve poverty.
